Spatial Data Management System

Alaska Case Retrieval Enterprise System (ACRES)

US Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management

Alaska Case Retrieval Enterprise System (ACRES)

Mining Claim Summary Help Page

Mining Claim Summary

Mining Claim Summary is a one-line summary of each case within a given land area and optional selection criteria. Output includes case serial number, case type code, case status code, case status date, claim name, customer name, and a multiple customer flag. Mining Claim Summary(s) are not restricted to mining claim cases, they will report on any type of case.
1: CASE SERIAL NUM: A unique identification number assigned to a case.

2: CASE TYPE CODE: A code indicating the administrative category of a case.

3: CASE STATUS CODE: A code indicating the administrative status of a case.

4: CASE STATUS DATE: The date of the case status action.

5: CASE STATUS ACTION: The description of the action that set the case status.

6: CASE CLAIM NAME: The name associated with a particular cases mining claim.

7: ASSESSMENT YEAR: The year of the current assessment of a particular case.

8: CUSTOMER NAME: The (latest) customer name associated with a particular case.

9: MULTIPLE CUSTOMERS: A Y(yes) or N(no) code representing whether or not there are multiple customers associated with a particular case.

Data can normally be retrieved during the hours of 7:00am-5:00pm (AST), Monday through Friday.
No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data. Refer to specific BLM case files for official land status information.

For case data related information/help, contact the BLM Alaska Public Information Center at (907) 271-5960.

The Alaska Case Retrieval Enterprise System (ACRES) is maintained at the BLM Alaska State Office,
Branch of Information Resources Management.
Please send your suggestions and comments to our webmaster.
No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data. Refer to specific BLM case files for official land status information.
For case data information/help, contact the BLM Alaska Public Information Center at (907) 271-5960.