The Mineral & Land Records System (MLRS) consolidated the functions of the Alaska Land Information System (ALIS) for 2800 and 2900 cases on Monday, June 26th 2023. Please use the MLRS Community at MLRS Home and MLRS reports at MLRS Reports going forward for your data and reporting needs pertaining to 2800 and 2900 cases.

Spatial Data Management System

Alaska Case Retrieval Enterprise System (ACRES)

Customer Case Retrieval by Name (Find Name)

Customer Name:
(wildcards allowed)


To submit a search on a customer name that starts with the word "ANCHORAGE":

Customer Name: ANCHORAGE%

To submit a search on a customer name that contains the word "ANCHORAGE" somewhere within it:

Customer Name: %ANCHORAGE%

The search is not case sensitive, as it will convert all characters to uppercase prior to the search.

The % (percent sign) wildcard is used to match zero or more characters.

The _ (underscore) wildcard is used to match exactly one character.
No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data. Refer to specific BLM case files for official land status information.
For case data information/help, contact the BLM Alaska Public Information Center at (907) 271-5960.